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Doing things the right way: Part 1

Right back to where we were after we were right back to where we started from. Why were we ever worried again? 75 points, third highest points total in the Championship era, seven wins, two draws and only one defeat from our final ten games and the most enjoyable ending to a season since 2010. It now all looks like the skoosh that people predicted months before. Maybe January to mid-March was typical Championship fare with us grinding out results with the odd wobble in there. Thing is though, when United wobble they really fucking wobble. Or maybe the support wobble? Who knows. If we start at the point where the last blog finished which was after the Raith away game where we lost an early goal, worked our way back into the game, equalized then had most of the ball, without creating much, made subbies which weakened us (unlike them) then lost to a goal which the boy will never score again in his life the questions about Goodwin's ability to win 'big' games were very promine
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